House & Garden Plants Poisonous To Cats/Kittens 


Important. Please, Ensure That You Check What House & Outdoor Plants You Have In & Around Your Home.


We would normally not be aware of all the dangerous plants there were to our furry friends.Most cats are carefull about what they eat or chew

but, can be unaware of the dangers of playing in and around poisonous. Plants


Lilies Dangerous to Cats/Kittens
pink-tiger-lily Lilies Dangerous to Cats/Kittens

Check what plants you have, As Soon As Possible.


Please, find below a list of plants that are the most common types of house and outside plants that are poisonous (toxic to your cat’s).


Read through the list below carefully.


Daffodils are one of the most prevalent Plants that are toxic to cats


House & Garden Plants Poisonous To Cats/Kittens


*Contact with these plants may also cause skin irritation


House & Garden Plants Poisonous To Cats/Kittens


Lilies are in many gardens & are toxic to cats


Honeymoon-lily Lilies Dangerous to Cats/Kittens
Honeymoon-lily Lilies Dangerous to Cats/Kittens


Poisonous garden plants



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