When you have chosen one or more of our kittens, it will be time to pay a non refundable deposit, this will ensure the kitten will not be available to anyone else.
Please enter your details below. Name, address, email address, telephone number. We will email you with details of how you can pay your deposit.
After you have paid your deposit it will be a good time to start thinking about a name for your chosen kitten
When you have thought of a name, preferably before the kitten is 8 weeks old. Please contact us by completing the form below
With respect. When it is time to collect, or if you are taking advantage of our delivery service. Full Payment in cash or Bank transfer (cleared funds) for any balance will be required on receipt of the Kitten or Kittens. I apologise for having to, in my opinion, state the obvious but there was an occasion when, I drove 70 + miles to meet a lady half way. To be advised that she had no monies to pay for the kitten as I had not stated it was a requirement.