The breed Ragdoll began in California in 1963 with Ann Baker, a ‘Persian’ cat breeder. She had been in the habit of borrowing a male cat called Blackie from a neighbour, Mrs Pennels, Blackie had the look of a Black Persian and was the son of an unregistered female called Josephine who was a White cat of semi-longhaired Angora appearance. Josephine had a rather uncertain temperament and had produced a number of litters very much like herself.
It was about this time that Josephine was hit by a car and lay in the street for a couple of days. Eventually she was taken to the local university (presumably the School of Veterinary Science) where she recovered, having lost an eye. Josephine was returned to Mrs Pennels and continued to have kittens, but their character had changed. Now they were relaxed and seemed impervious to pain. Ann Baker became more interested.
Mrs Pennels had another male son of Josephine, but by a different father than Blackie’s. This male was unusually patterned, looking something like the cat we know as a Birman with white socks on all feet. He also had a little white stripe on his nose and a white chin with the white extending down his belly, and a white tip to his tail. Ann managed to borrow this cat too and called him Raggedy Ann Daddy Warbucks. Ann had also acquired a Black daughter of Blackie#s and Josephine’s called, Buckwheat and was now given another of Josephine’s daughters, this time sired by Daddy Warbucks. This Bicoloured cat was called Raggedy Ann Fugianna. With Daddy Warbucks, Buckwheat and Fugianna, the seeds of a new breed were planted and Ann Baker was about to reap the harvest.
The Myth of the Ragdoll
Why do we call this interesting cat a ‘Ragdoll’? Well, everyone is familiar with the floppy fabric doll with its bland, wide-eyed features and knitting wool plaits.
Denny and Laura Daytonwith Phil and Loveable |
There is not a sharp feature to the doll, it can be tossed aside and seems to bounce; it hangs limply under the arm and fits into the very shape of the body. After her accident Josephine’s kittens appeared to do just this.
To begin with, Ann Baker saw this new trait as a kind of ‘act of God’, a ‘phenomenon’; that the trauma of the collision with the cat had altered Josephine’s genetic constitution and that this was passed on to her kittens and subsequent generations. However, scientifically this is nonsense.
Latterly, Ann Baker has insisted that Josephine had been the subject of ‘gene alteration’ when she was being nursed at the University. Although others have been charitable, I would be most suspicious of any claims that this kind of procedure was practiced in the mid 1960’s on a stray cat.
In hindsight, it would have been very useful to have assessed Ann Baker’s claims by the simple process of a full clinical examination of Josephine herself. Sadly, this was not to be. Mr Pennels, annoyed that Josephine had attacked his dog one day, while protecting her litter, had Josephine and her kittens destroyed.
The Ragdoll Franchise
While it may be that Ann Baker had no scientific credentials, the same can’t be said of her business acumen. The name ‘Ragdoll’ was trademarked and anyone wishing to breed them could only do so on the basis of a franchise with registration through Ann Baker’s own International Ragdoll Cat Association.
An early photo of Ann Baker with Fugianna |
A highly complex breeding policy formulated by Ann Baker had to be rigidly adhered to, otherwise registration of the kittens would not be forthcoming and the kittens could not be called Ragdolls. Despite the strictures of the franchise, a number of interested breeders ‘joined up’, notably Laura and Denny Dayton in 1969.
Breeding from Raggedy Ann Buddy and Raggedy Ann Rosie, the Daytons were amazed when Ann Baker attempted to get more money from them when the time came for the kittens to be sold. Court actions ensued and as other franchisees found Ann Baker’s demands too onerous, the Daytons acquired more Ragdoll cats. Finally the franchise was legally broken. However, the battles had taken their toll on Denny and Laura and so by 1980 they were ready to pass the flame to the next runner.
In 1981 two breeders, Pat Brownsell and the late Lulu Rowley, acquired Blossom Time Lass, Blossom Time Lad, Blossom Time Proper and Blossom Time Prim in Norfolk, England. The Ragdolls had arrived in Great Britain.
Genetics and Patterns
What makes the Ragdoll such an interesting proposition is its ability to breed true because of a series of genetic factors accidentally coming together in the original female Josephine aAnd the two male cats she mated with to produce Blackie and Raggedy Ann Daddy Warbucks.
Josephine was a White cat with a semi-longhair coat. As one of her parents was a cat with a coloured coat
Ann Baker with Kyoto |